We Need You!
The Prairie State Railroad Club encourages anyone who has an interest in 7-1/2” gauge model railroading to join.
We are a "Family Oriented Club", and we "Welcome Everybody" out at our track. If you are willing to learn our hobby, we are willing to teach you, and you do not have to own your own equipment, to be part of our organization. We will teach you how to do track work, from building it, to laying it down on the ground, and maintaining it, to running all the different engines the members have, as long as you are willing too learn, we are willing too teach you.
We hope too see you and your families out at our track soon!
Membership Information
Regular Membership
Spouse Membership
Affiliate Membership
Junior or Student
Prairie State Railroad Club Inc., is a 501(c) 3 Not-For-Profit Organization, and we encourage all our Members to volunteer their time in support of the club’s activities including, assisting in the maintenance of the tracks and facilities and lending a hand at events.